4th GRADE, 5th GRADE, 6th GRADE

26 enero 2022

6º ----- UNIT 4 ------ LIFE IN TOWN

- Vocabulary: postman, photographer, secretary, businessman, reporter, university, office, learn a language, do, type, homework, be, on time, polite, wear, uniform, use, clean, library, projects, picnic, square, café, skatepark, aquarium, market.

- Must/ musn't

- Would you like to (go to the park)?

- HAVE TO: affirmative, negative, question and short answers.

Hoy, vamos a hablar de cómo expresar obligaciones con have to y has to en inglés.

La verdad es que para hablar de la obligación, tenemos varias palabras y estructuras que podemos usar.

El más sencillo, en todo caso, es have to.

I have to get up early tomorrow. = Tengo que levantarme temprano mañana.

She has to go to the doctor. = Ella tiene que ir al médico.

Have to se usa para hablar de una obligación que viene desde fuera. No es algo que queremos hacer, ni algo que sentimos que debemos hacer, sino algo que que tenemos que hacer.

Trae consecuencias si no lo hacemos.


Fíjate que no son cosas que quieres hacer, sino cosas que tienes que hacer. Hay consecuencias si no las haces.

You have to get a visa to go to the US.

She has to lose weight or she’ll have health problems.

He has to pay his rent tomorrow.

Las estructuras son parecidas al presente simple, con un verbo en infinitivo después del have to. El verbo have no tiene más conjugaciones que éstas:

I have to brush my teeth.

You have to brush your teeth.

He has to brush his teeth.

She has to brush her teeth.

We have to brush our teeth.

They have to brush their teeth.


Las negativas se hacen con don’t y doesn’t más el infinitivo: have to.

I don’t have to get up early. = Yo no tengo que levantarme temprano.

She doesn’t have to get up early. = Ella no tiene que levantarse temprano.

Ten en cuenta que una negativa con have to expresa que no hay obligación.


I don’t have to pay the phone bill till next week.

You don’t have to cook dinner.

He doesn’t have to catch the bus in the morning.

She doesn’t have to study for her exam.

We don’t have to leave early.

They don’t have to do anything today.


Las preguntas se hacen con do y does, como cualquier otro ejemplo del presente simple.

Do I have to get a visa to go to Australia?

Do you have to get up early?

Does he have to cook dinner?

Does she have to buy the tickets?

Do we have to wash the dishes?

Do they have to pay their rent?

ACTIVITIES (clicar enlace)
Modals: have to, una ficha interactiva liveworksheets.com

Have-Has to, una ficha interactiva liveworksheets.com